Single-purpose device management

VISO Single-Purpose Device Management solution is the most robust and easy-to-use platform to manage and secure COSU devices (corporate-owned single-use), i.e. single-purpose devices, giving stakeholders and administrators the power to harness any device to the organization’s mission.

Whatever your device is - tablet, smartphone, a consumer-level device from a big-box store or rugged devices, VISO removes unwanted distractions to ensure your business-critical devices are being used for their intended purpose and to advance your organization’s mission.

Key features

  • Centrally manage apps, OS settings and updates of all devices
  • Apply and enforce policies and regulations
  • Install applications and updates on all devices remotely
  • Simplify batch tasks and simultaneous workflows
  • Take remote control over devices for assistance
  • Group and tag devices according to predefined criteria
  • Analyze device, web and app usage to make fact-based decisions
  • Create Geo-fences and device location perimeters
  • Lock, track and wipe lost or stolen devices
  • Broadcast alerts and notices to all or selected devices

Serving all stakeholders

IT Administrators

Centrally manage, monitor and secure your entire device fleet


Analyze and optimize device usage across your organization

Project Managers

Make fact-based decisions based on comprehensive reports

VR Coordinators

Control and guide immersive VR experiences of multiple users




Rugged devices


Barcode scanning devices

Key benefits

Cloud-based or on-premise solution

Tailored for single-purpose devices

Serves all stakeholders

Integrated by leading device manufacturers

Modular and flexible

Supports many types of devices and OS

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